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Supporting creators who support the future

First off...

everyone who uses Mechanyx.gg is a rock star in our eyes

But there are some creators who have either

been with us from the beginning,

done amazing things for our platform,

used Mechanyx.gg as a companion on their content-creation journey,

or just stood out above the rest for one reason or another.

These legends are known as Mechanyx Content Partner...

What exactly is a Mechanyx Content Partner?

There are a few ways we classify creators on Mechanyx

Mechanyx.gg Content Creator

Mechanyx.gg Content Creators

Mechanyx Content Creators are creators who are starting on their content creation journey and want to use Mechanyx.gg to make that journey smoother and better.

Mechanyx Content Creators often times try out different forms of content, platforms, and are in the process of solidifying their content strategies and content niche (what their "special sauce" is and how their content is unique).

Mechanyx Content Creators enjoy access to special channels in the public Mechanyx.gg Discord where they can collaborate with fellow creators as well as receive creator-only messages and updates from Mechanyx staff.

After creating for a while and building a community which is familiar with Mechanyx.gg a Mechanyx Content Creator can apply for the Content Partner Program.

Perks include

1. Access to Creator-only channels and resources in the Mechanyx.gg Discord

2. Creator-only updates from Mechanyx staff on new features and strategies for Mechanyx.gg

3. Opportunities to network and collab with fellow creators and join the growing Mechanyx.gg creator community

Becoming a Mechanyx Content Creator

The Mechanyx Content Creator program is open to anyone who creates content with Mechanyx.gg - in fact if you are already a creator and use Mechanyx.gg then technically you're a Mechanyx Content Creator!

Mechanyx.gg Content Partner

Mechanyx.gg Content Partners

Mechanyx Content Partners are creators who have solidified their content niche and strategy and have an engaged community that use Mechanyx.gg regularly.

Content Partners represent the best parts of Mechanyx and represent our platform well as we work together to shape the future of content creation and put people back at the center; not profits.

Content partners enjoy an exclusive Content Partner Discord where they act as the community's voice to staff as we develop new features and directions for the platform. In fact a few of our Content Partners are part of design teams within Mechanyx and meet regularly with staff to give real-time feedback as features are being developed.

As platform ambassadors Content Partners also get Mechanyx's backing on special events and get to tap into our resources to make their streams, projects, and ideas a success. There's also free swag as well!

Perks include

1. Access to exclusive Content Partner Discord which also includes Mechanyx staff

2. Access to Mechanyx staff and opportunities to sit in on design briefs to see features as they're being developed and offer feedback

3. Support and resources from Mechanyx for special streams, sub-a-thons, projects, and ideas

4. Invites to Mechanyx.gg Community Cup competitions and other Mechanyx hosted eSports events

5. Free swag and merch

6. Opportunities to be featured on SuperStream discovery, LurkMachine SideKick, and other areas of Mechanyx.gg

7. So much more!

Becoming a Mechanyx Content Partner

Becoming a Mechanyx Content Partner program is done by submitting a Partner application. There are some prior requirements as well as a review process which we will detail more below

So how do I become a partner?

Pre-reqs! (stuff you need to have before applying to the program)

We're not gonna let just anyone become a Content Partner -- there's some pre-requisites you have to meet before you can be considered for the Content Partner Program. Keep in mind none of these are total deal breakers. There is a little bit of flexibility if you're really close.


You gotta have an active community

While follower count isn't everything when you pair it with other criteria it paints a good picture of not only how you've grown but your positioning for the future and if we can help.

Ultimately we want to help as many people as we can with Mechanyx.gg - but at the stage we are currently (read: with just a two-person team and still trying to get everything spun up) getting the word out on our platform and getting people to try it out will help us to further refine and stage the platform towards helping people on a larger scale.

It's a critical balance we are trying to strike here between not growing too fast and making sure there is still a healthy dose of momentum and good vibes to keep the lights on and let the platform expand.

To that end, Having at least 2,000 Twitch followers or YouTube subscribers will greatly improve the chances of your application being accepted.

And to reiterate this isn't a dealbreaker - we're fully aware that someone could buy 2,000 followers from one of those sketchy links that gets dropped in everyone's chat like once a stream. We also realize that there are plenty of channels that show a ton of promise or have good growth potential and are just a slow burn versus a firecracker.

We of course will consider your application still if you are short of the follower goal here - but you also have to prove to us that you have aspirations for growth and long term plans for your channel and content as well.

All that's to say if you're sitting at 1850 but your chat/community is thriving and you have a unique angle or strategy then we're still going to look at you

Do we know you? Does someone in the community know you?

The quickest way to get your Content Partner Application looked at (and likely approved) is to have another Content Partner refer and vouch for you.

The seccond quickest way is to be a part of the Mechanyx community. Are you on the Mechanyx.gg Discord? Do you come to Community Cups? Have you been a voice for the community and helped with reporting bugs or other weird stuff on the site? Are you using Mechanyx.gg already?

These are the types of questions we ask when determining if someone is an active part of our community and has the interests of Mechanyx and our people in mind.

A Mechanyx.gg Content Partner is someone who represents the platform and community with the highest standards and does the leg-work to help bring people into and elevate the Mechanyx Community through their content and interactions. The best way to show that you check those boxes is to already be known to be a good vibe in the present Mechanyx community


Hit the Books before you
Hit "Go Live"

We're blown away by the growth of the eSports and streaming space that is coming out of schools across the country. In fact we hope to one day sponsor high school and college eSports programs the world over - with our goal being to put an eSports program in as many high schools as we can!

But right here and right now we acknowledge the importance of a quality education and how it can help young eSports athletes and streamers have a "plan b" as the industry solidifies and streaming becomes a more consistent career choice.

To that end we encourage all young streamers and eSports athletes to focus on school and making the grade - all while participating in school-sponsored eSports activities if they are available!

We're rooting for all you young bloods and we'll try and be the loudest in the crowd as you continue to hone your skills and stream presence - but don't do it at the cost of your education either! That's why you go to school and should be your main focus. Once you graduate, get a little older, and get more free time you can really prioritize streaming as your main dig.

To that end all prospective Content Partners should be over 18 before applying

The application process

1. Introduction

When you have all the pre-reqs (or are close) then reach out to Mechanyx staff on the Mechanyx.gg Discord letting us know you're interested in becoming a partner! From there we will do a few things (step 2) to review your content and if everything looks good we'll reach out about scheduling some time to talk more

2. Content Review

After introductions are made Mechanyx.gg staff member or current Content Partner will pop into your stream or take a look at your content. Just be yourself - we want to cheer you on and be a part of your stream experience; not spook you or make you tense up.

If things are going well then we'll take a look at your socials and join your Discord as well to see what the community is like off-stream.

Mechanyx.gg staff members and our Creative Partners will always follow rules you set out for both your Twitch chat and Discord so don't expect anything sus or inappropriate from us - we're good noodles!

3. Partner Review

If things go well with your stream and socials we'll likely confer with the other Content Partners to see what they think as well.

If you already know a Mechanyx.gg Content Partner they are encouraged to talk you up at these reviews and their recommendation will STRONGLY bolster your chance of making it through this final step.

Really this step is for our current partners to review your content as well and see if you'll mesh well into the Partner Network.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to already be using Mechanyx.gg to apply for Content Partner?

Not at all! In fact many of our Content Partners were referred to us by other Partners and had not been using Mechanyx.gg prior. We love talking to creators about how Mechanyx.gg can fit into their current content strategy and make everything better. So don't shy away from reaching out if you're not using Mechanyx already!

Of course if you are using Mechanyx already then that's fantastic too!

Are there minimum income requirements?
Is there an expectation that I'll need to bring in "X dollars per month"?

Of course not! Mechanyx is a platform that is focused on helping creators and putting people back at the center of content creation - not profits. So we don't have any expectation of you needing to bring in "$X amount of revenue" before we consider you.

That said we are still a business and we make a little cut whenever you get support through Mechanyx interactions. So naturally if you have a generous community that may be keen on supporting you through Mechanyx (and you can give us an assurance they will move over) that will make your application just that much more likely to get approved.

Said another way we aren't expecting you to bring us in a ton of money and your application is contingent on that. But if you can show your community is ready to jump over then we'll definitely take that into consideration!

I don't live in the USA. Can I still apply?

Mechanyx is a Texas company! Meaning we are based in the central United States.

However since gaming and streaming involves people from all over the world we have actually worked with people as far out as the UK and Germany!

Our direction to our friends that we work with internationally is that we are still a small (read: 2 person squad) team and we're located here in Texas - so time zones may provide a bit of a challenge when coordinating meetings and such. But that hasn't stopped us (or our abroad friends) from enjoying really great working relationships and interactions.

That would be the same guidance we offer you if you live abroad - just keep in mind the timezone and that messages might take a bit longer to get responded to since we may be snoozin' or different times of day make it hard to get back to you right away. If you're cool with that then we're more than excited to hear from you!

Think you got the sauce to be in this lineup?

(Some of our Content Partners)


just a lil ultipaige streaming and making videos in a big world

Mechanyx.gg Content Partner



ultipaige's Mechanyx.gg Pages

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Operations Manager for Brick City ES. I've been known to hit head shots and roll natural 20s. Powered by FreshenUp Hydration

Mechanyx.gg Content Partner




TalkinMuffn's Mechanyx.gg Pages

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Well hello there! I am a silly, wacky, high energy streamer that cackles (literally) a lot - All about good vibes, good times and good people!

Mechanyx.gg Content Partner




ChillShawty's Mechanyx.gg Pages

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We are 11 editors/contributors who watch/read/play just about everything pop-culture related so we can help people wisely spend their hard-earned, discretionary income. Mark is the main host!

Mechanyx.gg Content Partner




Gamersledge's Mechanyx.gg Pages

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The official Mullet of Mechanyx! Raised on Marlboro Reds, and Busch Light. Ready to hit all the jaw dropping clips you can handle! The Pit Vipers NEVER come off. Please ask me about my wiener.

Mechanyx.gg Content Partner




Darkraizard's Mechanyx.gg Pages

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Official Mechanyx.gg dono/sub page

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YEE-HAW! This site is developed by programmers, creatives, and other talented peeps in the great state of Texas.